Endless talk of all things sparkly.

Designer Jewelry

Designer Spotlight: POEZ Jewellers

POEZ Jewellers officially launched in May of 2006, however the creator behind the jewelry line has been assembling the ideal qualifications since she could remember!  Poesy Liang is an avid collector of gemstones and has a background in interior design with formal training in architectural engineering.  So… Read More

Celebrity Jewelry

Obsession: Diamonds + Onyx

Art Deco was a time of great artistry and design for jewelry. Some of the prettiest combinations were put together during the 1920s and 1930s. The early 1920s produced some elegant filigree rings with gorgeous Old European cut diamonds. Most of these diamonds had some color… Read More


Dear Victoire de Castellane…

Dear Victoire de Castellane, You are amazing.  Gem Gossip wants to interview you.  Please email me at charitybracelet@gmail.com  … Read More

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Celebrity Jewelry

The Jewelry of Sex & the City 2

Sex & the City 2 premieres this week and Carrie fever has struck.  I had a Carrie fever myself when I saw her jewelry on the red carpet of the UK movie premiere.  A close up of her arm cuff put together using a ribbon and… Read More

Celebrity Jewelry

Brigitte Bardot: Sleek “V” Shaped Ring

I’ve seen many of these “V” shaped rings around–especially on eBay and a few random pawn shops here and there. This sort of ring definitely is different, but I never thought it would look flattering on a finger. The above photo featuring Brigitte Bardot with a “V”… Read More

Education & Advice

Jewel History: Earliest Diamond Grading System

“The earliest diamond color grading system was based on India’s ancient class structure. Each class was limited to owning a particular diamond color.” Priests and rulers……………………white diamonds Landowners and warriors………..brown diamonds Merchants…………………………….yellow diamonds Lower class……………………………black diamonds   {GIA.edu}… Read More