Hi: I am new-ish to your site. Like you, I am a lover of antique jewelry and the proud owner of several gorgeous pieces π I can’t tell you how I great I think your site is and how lovely it is that you have combined your passions of jewelry and animals in one with your charity bracelets. Good job! I really love the Olsen’s jewelry (probably most of us who visit your site do) — so inspiring! There’s a particular ring that Ashley made mention of in one of her articles….and I’m not sure if it’s hers or MK’s, but one of them has acquired the wedding ring worn by Kirsten Dunst in her portrayal of "Marie Antoinette" in the film…..and for the life of me, I can’t find a good, detailed shot of this ring. Do you happen to know which one I’m referring to? Keep up your excellent work for all of us jewelry fanatics out here!
Hey Delia! Thanks for the comment…I don’t know which ring you’re talking about, I’d love to know more. I did a jewelry inspiration post which included some shots from the movie, and you can ALMOST see the ring. http://gemgossip.com/home/2010/1/29/jewelry-inspiration-board-v.html
alisha March 22, 2010 at 1:20 am:
marykate and ashley yo
gemgossip March 22, 2010 at 1:33 am:
Alisha you don’t count haha
Natasha March 22, 2010 at 1:59 am:
Ashley, Mary-Kate, Ashley, MK, MK, Ashley, MK, MK, MK, Ashley
Delia March 30, 2010 at 6:09 am:
Hi: I am new-ish to your site. Like you, I am a lover of antique jewelry and the proud owner of several gorgeous pieces π I can’t tell you how I great I think your site is and how lovely it is that you have combined your passions of jewelry and animals in one with your charity bracelets. Good job!
I really love the Olsen’s jewelry (probably most of us who visit your site do) — so inspiring! There’s a particular ring that Ashley made mention of in one of her articles….and I’m not sure if it’s hers or MK’s, but one of them has acquired the wedding ring worn by Kirsten Dunst in her portrayal of "Marie Antoinette" in the film…..and for the life of me, I can’t find a good, detailed shot of this ring. Do you happen to know which one I’m referring to?
Keep up your excellent work for all of us jewelry fanatics out here!
gemgossip April 3, 2010 at 4:13 am:
Hey Delia! Thanks for the comment…I don’t know which ring you’re talking about, I’d love to know more. I did a jewelry inspiration post which included some shots from the movie, and you can ALMOST see the ring. http://gemgossip.com/home/2010/1/29/jewelry-inspiration-board-v.html
Take a look yourself and let me know. Is it the crowned heart ring? If so I wrote about it here: http://gemgossip.com/home/2009/6/1/jewelry-lookbook-ashley-olsen.html