Endless talk of all things sparkly.

My Jewel Box: A Heap of Hearts


Hearts are an incredibly popular motif in jewelry, mainly because hearts symbolize love. And I do love hearts! My family knows that well, seeing as the only kind of Christmas ornaments I own are all hearts!  (And I get made fun of for having a Valentine’s Day Christmas tree).  I wouldn’t say it is my favorite jewelry motif, but for some reason I have amassed a nice little collection. They are seen here resting on a mother-of-pearl seashell dish purchased at a boutique in Laguna Beach.


Most of my heart charms are either 18k or 14k yellow gold. A few are from Italy given to me by my grandparents on their frequent trips. The puffed heart that has been dented pretty badly was worn for months straight, dangling from a bracelet. I think the dent gives it character, I like it even more than “pre-dent” heart. Love the heart-key charm, I like to wear it on a gold chain with the heart furthest to the left.
