Endless talk of all things sparkly.

Book Review: Sentimental Jewellery by Ann Louise Luthi

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Looking for a quick jewelry read?  Then this book is for you!  This 40-page paperback book is packed with valuable facts about sentimental jewelry, starting with the Georgian Era, then up through Victorian and ending with a chapter on Collecting Sentimental Jewellery.  There is also a section with a diverse list of further reading options in case one wants to delve into the subject even further.  If memento mori, mourning jewelry, portrait rings, lovers’ eye jewelry, REGARD rings, jet and hair jewelry, cause your heart the flutter, I recommend this book!

The author, Ann Louise Luthi, is a member of the Society of Jewellery Historians and has extensively written and lectured on antique jewelry.  She has also worked with the British Museum in the jewelry collections department. 

I received Sentimental Jewellery from my mom for Christmas and I read the entire book while sitting next to the fireplace on Christmas Eve.  It is a good read for a beginner collector, as well as a novice…I especially love how easy and approachable it is to read and enjoy.  

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