Endless talk of all things sparkly.


Holiday ’22 Jewel Drop #5 – Shining Star Charms for Miscarriage

Everyone’s journey to Motherhood is different – some are straight lines, while others look more like a wild roller coaster. Although having a miscarriage is very much common, it’s a reality that none of us want to face or go at alone. After suffering two miscarriages… Read More


Holiday ’22 Jewel Drop #4 – Sparkle Chains + Gem Charms

Our Friday Holiday Jewel Drop #4 had to be postponed since I went into labor on Thursday – but so excited to have had some help with the photos thanks to my friend Jessie who took these gorgeous pictures of the drop. I… Read More

Jewelry Collection Stories

Jewelry Collection Stories – Olivia of Hudson & King Jewelry

Today’s featured jewelry collector is Olivia of Hudson & King Jewelry. I had the pleasure of meeting Olivia IRL when she visited Nashville a few years ago. She has such an elegant and beautiful eye for jewelry, especially the pieces that are in her personal stash. Read More

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Weekday Wardrobe

Wedding Jewels – My Sister’s Bridal Jewelry

My sister Alisha recently got married on September 22, 2022. I was really excited to have helped my sister with her wedding day jewels and her husband Caleb with creating her ideal engagement ring/wedding band. The engagement ring and wedding band were something… Read More

Jewelry Collection Stories

Jewelry Collection Stories – Joanna of FortuneBaby

“Come for the jewels, stay for the humor & entertainment” should be FortuneBaby‘s tagline because her Instagram account is truly an embodiment of her mind and I must say it is quite fun. From Joanna’s  memes which she creates herself to her dog Frau, and her latest… Read More


Holiday ’22 Jewel Drop #3 – Australian Opal Charms

Our third holiday jewel drop is a very limited one this year – I know how much you all love the opal charms I offer, so I knew I had to include them! There’s only 7 available this time around and I decided to do a different style… Read More