Wanted to capture all my favorite ring stacks from these past few months. Picking out different rings each and every morning can sometimes be a blur–I’m glad I have an outlet to capture some of my best work before I forget what I wore! To me, wearing different rings everyday is just as sensible as wearing a different outfit everyday. Early morning ring choosing has become a creative outlet for myself, and I would have to say I base my choices on what I’m wearing, my mood and everything else is random. I never know what I will come up with! Here are some of my favorites above–some looks were chosen based on what I had planned for that specific day, like lots of love and luck tokens for a long day ahead. Others were picked based on a new ring I got and wanted to wear, adding ones from my personal collection that I felt complimented the newbies.
>> Make sure to document your best ring stacks and hashtag them #showmeyourrings so I can see!
kristen October 26, 2014 at 3:44 am:
Who is the designer of the ring on your middle finger in the photo on the bottom left (red sleeve)? Thank you!
gemgossip October 26, 2014 at 6:45 pm:
Hey Kristen,
It is Hirotaka a Japanese designer! Thanks!