Endless talk of all things sparkly.

The Clover is Over for Heidi Klum


Heidi Klum’s jewelry line is being halted due to lawsuits against the clover motif.  World renown jewelry house Van Cleef & Arpels is claiming all rights to the clover.  Not trying to take sides here because I am a huge fan of both parties, but putting claim on a shape?! Really?  Heidi Klum has stated that her inspiration, from day one, has been through travels and observing church architecture in Milan, Italy.



I can see her point and totally realize that she was not trying to copy what Van Cleef & Arpels has been doing for years (longer than Klum’s jewelry line which has been out for only 5 years).  I, too, was inspired by European churches’ architecture–the picture below is from my trip to England in 2006.  It was taken at a church in England, you can see the clover motif here as well.  This picture is a favorite of mine.
