Endless talk of all things sparkly.

The Ultimate Jewelry Book List

Jewelry Books | Gem Gossip Jewelry Books | Gem Gossip Jewelry Books | Gem Gossip Jewelry Books | Gem Gossip

It is no surprise that I love a good jewelry book. I get so excited when I hear about a new title debuting and often have a long wish list on my Amazon account. At one point, I was acquiring one new jewelry book per month and it was really enticing on many levels as it was a constant reminder to always keep learning. I ran into a few hiccups along my jewelry book journey–the first being not enough room to stack and store them as they continued to accumulate. Lucky for me, resolving that issue was easy, as we decided to move my husband’s desk, computers and books into his own office, and I got to have the entire spare bedroom as my office. (Cue spreading out the jewelry books!)  I have four free-standing book shelves that I found at Bed Bath & Beyond for a great price, so now I have plenty of room. The other problem I ran into was a recent discovery and some of you caught on to it as well, as I received a few questions from readers noticing that the large compilation I had been keeping and updating over the past 4+ years suddenly disappeared! When I logged into Amazon, I realized that back in October they discontinued all the “A-stores” which was what that was. At first I was really angry and felt slightly defeated because I had been cultivating this list for so long, both with input from so many readers suggesting book titles, plus my entire book inventory, as well as hours upon hours of research. 

I decided to take a few days to put all the pieces back together, as Amazon has launched a new program called Amazon Influencers.  I applied and got accepted, so now I can keep a running list of all the jewelry books I have and recommend, keeping it all in one place!  Now, if you ever are in need of a jewelry book recommendation, you can link to my Amazon page and browse away!  

I’ve uploaded all the titles that I currently own, as well as added an abundance of ones that I’ve been wanting or are on my wish list.  I also was given the entire book list from Whitney Abrams’ library, which she has amassed over 30 years. I’m slowly going through the titles and adding the ones that spark my interest!  In fact, I just purchased a title from her list and I cannot wait to read it once I finish this very blog post πŸ™‚

Here is the link to the Ultimate Jewelry Book List.

Some titles I recommend, pictured above from my personal collection: