Endless talk of all things sparkly.

Designer Jewelry

Designer Spotlight: Donna Distefano

Makeovers are always fun, but when anyone hears the word 'makeover' they think hair salons, new wardrobe, and getting their nails done.  Donna Distefano adds one more kind of makeover--a jewelry makeover!  Ever get tired of that old diamond solitaire ring that is just sitting in your jewelry box?  Or how about that gawdy 80s style diamond cluster ring that catches and snags on all your sweaters?  Well Donna Distefano offers the opportunity to transform your old piece into a modern, up-to-date style!  She consults one-on-one in her studio, giving advice and her expertise.  You are also provided with chocolates, champagne, and gift bags...(all your favorites!)  This can even be done for small parties, bridal parties, anniversary or birthday parties for up to six ladies.  Now that would be a day to remember!  For booking inquiries, check out the website or call 212-594-3757. Below are some pieces from her jewelry line.  Her collection has inspirations from her previous work and job at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Check out the prices and other pieces on her website, and you can also order directly. Happy shopping! Read More

Designer Jewelry

Ross-Simons Introduces Pet Jewelry Line

A favorite jewelry company of mine, Ross-Simons, introduces their new line of pet jewelry this week.  The line includes jeweled elastic hair accessories, necklaces, leash charms, and even pearl necklaces!  Those would look adorable on any dog.  I'm not sure how the elastic hair accessories will stay put or how they even work...I would stick with the collars. Here is one of my favorites from the new line. It is a collar made out of coral, and has a silver CZ studded bead as well. The pearl necklaces look similar. All are on sale right now for around $50-60. I don't think my chihuahua named Billy would like any of the pet jewelry. He even hates wearing his black nylon collar (pictured above on)...can't you tell? Would your pets wear any of this jewelry? Do you think it is a good idea? Read More

Designer Jewelry

Designer Spotlight: Carolyn Tyler

One of my favorite jewelry designers is Carolyn Tyler. She has an ecclectic edge to her style, and each piece looks like it belongs in a museum case. The gold that is used is 22k and 100% recycled, meaning that no new mining had to be done to make the piece. So, not only are her designs gorgeous, but eco-friendly as well. Bali, an Indonesian island, is the setting and inspiration, and on this island, artisans hand make each piece of jewelry. It is an art that cannot be done anywhere else. This video lets you take a peek inside Carolyn Tyler's world, where you can see her inspirations and her jewelry come to life. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTWr2AWUhy0] Here are my picks from her jewelry line, which can be purchased by going to her website at www.carolyntylerjewelry.com Read More

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Designer Jewelry

Diamond in a Pearl by Galatea

Can't decide whether you want diamonds or pearls for your birthday this year?  Well, I may have the answer for you!  How about both!  Galatea has their very own patent on this remarkable work of art called Diamond in a Pearl.  They take a pearl and drill into it, creating a nook for a diamond.  Surrounding the diamond is your choice of yellow or white gold.  Here is their most basic design, which starts out at $315. The pearl size is around 9mm, and the diamond is 4 points of a carat. I like how the "chain" is invisible so it looks like it is floating. It probably looks very nice on. The pearls can get very intricate as the price goes up. There are different styles of carving shown on the website. Even different pearl colors--this one is a black carved pearl with white gold, and then a diamond. This one is priced at $1695, so you can see the difference the carving makes in that aspect. As well as the diamond size, this one is 20 points and the pearl is 10mm. Galatea also makes rings, earrings and bracelets but I like these best. You can check out the full collection at the website: www.diamondinapearl.com Which ones do you like? Read More

Designer Jewelry

Designer Spotlight: Ivanka Trump

Many of you may know her famous father, but did you know Ivanka Trump is not only a famous daughter but a jewelry designer? Her line of high-end diamonds, embellished in enamels and gold prove that she means business. Take, for example, her "bridal bar" where brides-to-be come to choose amongst large diamonds of many shapes and different styles. Below is an engagement ring from her collection, with a classic oval shape--which she uses throughout many of her pieces as a motif. Another signature look she offers is the black and white enameling. Her store is just as luxurious as the jewelry inside. If you are ever in the Madison Avenue area in New York City, you should stop by and experience it. I wish I could! http://www.ivankatrumpcollection.com/ Read More