Are you a jewelry designer or store looking to try something totally new in terms of sales? We live in a world that is so tightly connected to technology and social media—if you’re still using sales tactics from 20-30 years ago you will be dust in the wind! So how does one incorporate an online campaign into their sales strategy? It is easy! By partnering with bloggers who have already created an online community of followers and fans who are awaiting their latest “obsession” or “tastemaker picks.” You see, by collaborating with someone who has built up a large audience, this will eliminate the question of, “will this reach enough people?” You can measure that by asking for statistics on the blogger’s audience and visibly see their follower count throughout social media platforms. Another tip—not every blogger has strong numbers on each platform, so use that as a strategy when choosing who to partner up with. For example, someone might have a large following on Pinterest, but not any other social media site—put together a fun promotion or campaign with that blogger on Pinterest only, and find other tastemakers that excel in other areas, like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
With an Instagram following of 46k+ people, I’ve been able to work with jewelry designers and stores across the globe to put together valuable content for both the seller and consumer. I’ve done lots of creative photoshoots for designers who send me their jewelry, which has garnered sales and followers, two things which are highly sought after in our technology-driven world. My record? Selling a ring on Instagram only 15 minutes after posting it! It can be done, and I’m here to help you!
Reach out to me! Let me know what you’re looking for and what you’d like to accomplish. I’d be happy to put together a strategy for you so you can start gaining more visibility and your jewelry gets the exposure it needs!
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